
Bomb Politics

Slashdot has an article titled The Real Mother of All Bombs, 46 Years Ago; inevitably, the discussion turned to Cold War politics. I found this comment to be particularly interesting:

The pen is mightier than the sword: Often propaganda will work better than overt force. Shackle a man’s hands and he will try to break free, shackle his mind and he will never consider it.

This is the reason I consider false or sensationalist news more dangerous to the wellbeing of society than terrorism.

Discuss, if you’d like. Plus, in this fellow’s signature, he clarifies a spot of grammatical minutiae: i.e. is “that is,” while e.g. is “for example.” So, i.e. is never “for example.” Most educational comment I’ve read in a while — A+++ would read again!

13 comments left



I find it amazing how politicians can, pretty much, say anything they want without regard to its actual bearing on reality. I don’t know if it has increased in frequency because of the “upcoming” election or if I’m just starting to become more aware of it. it’s incredible what some people will say as long as it serves their purposes.


An example so it doesn’t appear that all of the words are coming directly from my ass…


I have to imagine that with all the money pumping through her campaign someone could have done some fact checking.

Justin Gehring

Colbert! Colbert! Colbert!

Dan McKeown

Yeah he did not get on the ballot, sorry Justin.

Alexander Micek

I agree, Markoe — it would seem that the upper levels of the United States political system, in their current incarnation, can only support a very specific type of person. When an unfortunate soul who doesn’t fit the profile (say, Jimmy Carter) is elected to high office, things don’t go well.

So, we get about 100 years of blustering bloated bleating brutish blow-hards, punctuated by the occasional real leader. Despite all that, I’d like to think we’re still keeping it together as a country. Except for Social Security… like you or I will ever see one cent of that money.

Also, I’m now reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell — haven’t gotten far yet.

Dan McKeown

Well I do not think we can let Jimmy Carter off the hook so fast. It was not just because he did not fit a profile that he has largely been dismissed as a poor president, it was because of glaring errors in judgment and a naive approach to the job that things did not go well. I would expand on these ideas but as previous experiences on tumbledry have taught me, Mykala would not read the extended version anyway.

This is not to say I completely disagree with the current conversation, I merely felt as if I should make the point that Jimmy Carter was not just an unfortunate soul who was put into a position to fail.


I think Richard Nixon was put into a position to fail.


Obviously my prior comment was purely sarcastic. Oh, and this is my 501st comment on TumbleDry. How are we going to commemorate this moment?

Alexander Micek

Halfway to a maltese cross! (And yes, we still have those.)

Dan McKeown

Oh yeah? Well I met David Beckham, so looks like I am still winning.

Nils +1

Well I WAS David Beckham for Halloween last year, so that’s like way better than meeting him, because it’s like I DID meet him because I WAS him!

No you’re right, you win.

Dan McKeown

Nils, enjoy the heart I just gave you for that last comment, and thank you.

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