
Money and Safety

Saint Thomas is situated in a very safe part of St. Paul—crime is low, and the safety measures in the dorms are high: keycard access and check-ins after hours. You start to take it for granted how safe it is to be on campus. In the past few years, however, we’ve had a marked increase of muggings only blocks from school. It’s usually dark, and the victim usually gets hit on the head. One guy was running with his iPod and didn’t even know what was coming because he couldn’t hear anything. Another guy was something like 6’5”, and he still got attacked.

It’s rather disturbing, especially as more and more of the people I know live off-campus *cough* Mykala *cough*. I haven’t had the opportunity to live off campus, I’ve been here in university dorms/apartments for my entire four years. And here on campus, it’s hard to imagine anyone at St. Thomas as threatening. They sure don’t have to steal to get what they want. I mean, I was sitting in biochem lab the other day, and this girl starts in about how her Dad just bought her a brand new Honda CR-V, to replace her Jeep Grand Cherokee. Yeesh. So, true, it’s not saying much for my own courage, but I can’t really be frightened with all these rich people running around. I mean, what are they going to do? Beat me with their money? Their big bags of coins with dollar signs on the side? Or maybe they’ll just dump a bunch of check pads on me to knock me out. Hard to say.

4 comments left


Justin Gehring

Rich muggers are the worst kind. They are normally fairly smart, so they take you for all your worth, and they do it in a very covert way. What makes them so dangerous: their money… They can buy whatever they need to take what little you have.


But I don’t think many rich people are muggers, nor do I think if they were, that they would be good at it. I think rather, really good muggers are rich.


Oh come on, no matter where you live in the Twin Cities it’s not that dangerous. Think about how many people walk around outside every night and never get into any trouble. You’re scared because the news overblows all things negative, muggings, rapings and killings not the least. They will never hesitate to tell you how many bad and scary things happen every day. But I guarantee you they’re infrequent and it’s just not worth being scared over. It’s like being afraid of driving because people get into car accidents. It’s an unnecessary fear.

Alexander Micek

Well, yes, it’s pretty safe (and it is all relative), though the University Avenue area about 10 blocks North of here is pretty not at all safe. But to be honest, the entire post was just a set up for the “bags of money” comment.

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