
A Brand-New Home

Sometime in the next month (give or take a month, for good measure), tumbledry will be moving to a new home. Service should be uninterrupted, but for those sharp-minded individuals who notice anything bizarre, unannounced, or supernatural occurring, please understand that this is a normal part of the moving process.

Justin bought (and is currently in the throws of configuring) a beast of a server, and it will live at a datacenter in the Twin Cities. This location is close (within a half hour of both of us), in the same time zone as us (good-bye, time correction PHP functions!), and also gives us the option to install whatever the heck we want are able to. This will, inevitably, lead to mod_rewrite usage (which makes all the links look pretty … no more ugly ?=’s). Mod_rewrite is what the scripts running tumbledry were designed to use all along (if you can call my scattered Kindergarten code ‘designed’). Which reminds me, we’re overdue for a rewrite of all that.

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