

Well, it was winter break, so we had many chats. Inevitably, the highlights appear here.

Shayla (3:01:31 PM): the little bar at the bottom just gained a little green segment
Shayla (3:01:32 PM): lol
Alex (3:01:57 PM): haha!! that’s excellent to hear - that either means its doing something, or its fooling you into thinking its doing something - those browsers can be rahter sly

Alex (3:05:32 PM): and the israelites were like “whoah red sea”
Shayla (3:05:34 PM): haha
Alex (3:05:38 PM): and moses was all like “part dude!”
Shayla (3:05:42 PM): lol!! what?!
Alex (3:05:50 PM): and then the pharoah was all like “woooooah plagues!”
Alex (3:05:58 PM): and then it was all like 40 years in the desert
Alex (3:06:05 PM): and then like “woah manna from frickin’ heaven dudes!”
Alex (3:06:13 PM): and then the grumbling and like the water from the rock!!!
Alex (3:06:14 PM): woah!!!
Shayla (3:06:23 PM): woah indeed!
Alex (3:06:50 PM): i see you are a recent recipient of my surfer dude exodus story
Alex (3:06:53 PM): i have been refining it
Shayla (3:06:56 PM): damnit, alex!!! I left maroon 5 at home!
Shayla (3:07:08 PM): … lol you see that I am a recent recipient??
Alex (3:07:46 PM): haha yes
Alex (3:07:53 PM): i have been refining my methods for telling it
Shayla (3:07:59 PM): oh
Shayla (3:08:01 PM): lol well I like it
Alex (3:09:13 PM): yes!
Alex (3:09:15 PM): success!
Alex (3:09:18 PM): that’s the first person who has said that
Alex (3:09:21 PM): from which i can conclude
Alex (3:09:23 PM): it sucked the other times
Shayla (3:09:27 PM): lol
Shayla (3:09:31 PM): that’s a bummer
Alex (3:10:12 PM): shayla that laugh you just experienced (or slight twinge at the corner of your mouths, as the case may be) can be attributed to thousands of man hours of work on comic timing, content, and sophistication - and they all came to fruitition only minutes ago!

Shayla (3:14:54 PM): and 2nd half of this semester, social dance
Alex (3:16:16 PM): social more like sexual!
Shayla (3:16:24 PM): lol!!
Shayla (3:16:29 PM): swing isn’t that sexual
Alex (3:16:31 PM): not that its a bad thing
Shayla (3:16:33 PM): salsa is
Alex (3:16:39 PM): salsa is all hot and bothered
Shayla (3:16:41 PM): I hope I don’t have to dance with a girl
Shayla (3:16:43 PM): yes it is
Alex (3:16:46 PM): i mean honestly, its called salsa

Alex (3:17:14 PM): secret dance practicing arena
Shayla (3:17:17 PM): the laundry room?

Matt (3:16:28 PM): guy class — “Today, you will be learning how to belch, fart, and scratch”

Shayla (4:10:08 PM): scratch
Shayla (4:10:12 PM): wicky scratch
Alex (4:10:30 PM): scratch
Shayla (4:10:42 PM): wicky
Alex (4:13:02 PM): scratch scratch
Shayla (4:13:27 PM): wick-
Shayla (4:13:30 PM): y scratch
Alex (4:13:42 PM): boom
Shayla (4:14:02 PM): wick
Shayla (4:14:04 PM): boom
Shayla (4:14:05 PM): wicky boom
Alex (4:15:24 PM): boom boom BOOM ba bOOm scratch wicka
Shayla (4:15:32 PM): wick
Shayla (4:15:37 PM): a
Shayla (4:15:40 PM): wicky wick
Shayla (4:15:42 PM): scratch
Shayla (4:15:42 PM): bom
Shayla (4:15:46 PM): *boom
Alex (4:16:06 PM): burrrrrrrr rum tum tumm
Shayla (4:16:27 PM): burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrar tar tar
Alex (4:17:27 PM): boom slap chime bing bing dooooong
wicka burrrrrrrrrtart meow bong bong
Shayla (4:18:03 PM): click… click clickity click… wicka…. wicka SCRATCH wicky wicka scratch BOOM
Shayla (4:19:59 PM): boom

Matt (7:15:50 PM): lol! bitch
Alex (7:16:30 PM): move!

Matt (7:37:38 PM): oh em gee!!! what makes these people think that they are good singers?!?!?!?! IT’S HORRIBLE! SO IGNORANT!

Matt (7:40:28 PM): lol, zombie sex

Matt (7:49:20 PM): Woke up at 7:14, pressed snooze, woke up at 7:20, went to class at 8, came back, went to class at 9:35, back at 10:45, played DoD, went to class at 12:50, went to lunch, played DoD, read too much, ate dinner, played Dod, recorded amer idol, talked with Alex, ranted about John
Alex (7:50:14 PM): i see a recurring theme
Matt (7:50:22 PM): lol, yes, i know, im an addict

Matt (8:14:46 PM): croak
Alex (8:15:21 PM): ribbit
Matt (8:15:30 PM): growl
Alex (8:15:40 PM): sprong
Matt (8:15:50 PM): boing
Alex (8:17:10 PM): rrrrrrrum tum tum
Matt (8:17:24 PM): BOPPIDY BOP BOP BOP
Alex (8:20:08 PM): chang chchchang chong
Matt (8:20:31 PM): dingaling dingy dong

Alex (3:31:46 PM): Roy!
Matt (3:31:50 PM): ahh
Matt (3:31:52 PM): ROY!

Matt (3:33:11 PM): my gym lab prof, well, not a prof he said, but his name is john o’grady, my bio teacher is john ford, my chem is david rainville, can’t remember the rest, but they’re all so plain, lol, i need a prof that’s like “Bruenhilda” or something

Alex (3:32:43 PM): Betsy Ross
Alex (3:32:47 PM): made the flag
Alex (3:32:51 PM): ask her if she’s related
Matt (3:33:12 PM): lol!!! yes, because everyone with the same first name is related, lol

Alex (3:51:07 PM): where do i get this stuff?
Matt (3:51:39 PM): i dunno, lol, but keep it coming, cuz i dunno what i would do without the hilarity that takes up the majority of our chats
Matt (3:52:07 PM): alex, i have a freaking broomball game tonight at 11:45

Alex (4:00:07 PM): stayin’ alive in 85!
Alex (4:00:12 PM): that’s how i remember the year i was born in
Matt (4:00:47 PM): i was born in 1984, like that book
Alex (4:00:52 PM): orwell!
Alex (4:00:54 PM): george

Matt (8:30:02 PM): like that one joke “Procrastination 101 - Lecture pushed back to tomorrow”
Matt (8:32:08 PM): i was going to take a nap from 6-8, but it turned in to a DoD extravaganza, i played from 6-8:15

Alex (8:38:16 PM): lol?
Matt (8:38:52 PM): no no alex, ! instead of ?, it sounds like you’re asking a question, like “Am I laughing out loud?”

Matt (10:56:56 PM): alex, do you know they produce millions of virgins each day in every color, religion, and sex?
Alex (10:57:01 PM): LOL who?
Alex (10:57:04 PM): non virgins?

Matt (11:13:40 PM): alex give me a funny quote
Alex (11:17:06 PM): My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
Alex (11:17:30 PM): I was so poor growing up … if I wasn’t a boy …I’d have nothing to play with.
-Rodney Dangerfield
Matt (11:17:39 PM): lol!!!!!
Matt (11:17:40 PM): omg
Alex (11:17:45 PM): A horse may be coaxed to drink, but a pencil must be lead.
-Stan Laurel
Alex (11:17:58 PM): Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn’t seem quite so funny.
-Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts
Alex (11:18:03 PM): Never tell your mom her diet’s not working.
-Joel, 14, Advice from Kids

Alex (11:20:07 PM): jajajafdjaeifjafijaeifjaoeicjasoefn2934qcn
Alex (11:20:19 PM): sooner or later, all of our chats descend into meaningless, chaotic typing
Matt (11:20:24 PM): lksafjlksadhflksdhfasd
Matt (11:20:33 PM): i have no idea what you’;re tlakidnsioafhsdoif aslkdf lkasdflkashdflkha4lkhtlkweabout
Alex (11:21:26 PM): yeah it was a foolish theoruer9u230rf9u23dc89h3q9 08hq3f9q824wdilskjq09c8wh
Matt (11:21:36 PM): definatel;wet;lerjtlk djhisduhisafhd

Matt (8:22:07 PM): lol, i don’t like anything “nu”

Matt (7:16:19 PM): make a controller out of cardboard, go to that one site with all of their moves, and just practice hitting the buttons
Matt (7:16:39 PM): you could make a cardboard tv, ps2, and game disc too
Matt (7:16:52 PM): use string for the cords

Alex (4:50:15 PM): wait
Alex (4:50:18 PM): the poking bugs the crap?
John (4:50:19 PM): here we go again
Alex (4:50:22 PM): or me calling you a magnet
John (4:50:25 PM): no… yes
Alex (4:50:27 PM): i will cease with the magnet stuff
John (4:50:42 PM): its all good
John (4:50:44 PM): its good fun
Alex (4:50:45 PM): wha????? its like we’re speaking different languages
Alex (4:51:30 PM): wait
John (4:51:32 PM): lol
John (4:51:34 PM): damn the waiting
Alex (4:51:43 PM): you don’t mind the first thing or the second?
John (4:51:55 PM): … i dont mind the second
John (4:51:57 PM): and by all means
John (4:52:02 PM): i do not mind the first
John (4:52:04 PM): just too early for it
John (4:52:44 PM): its like eating herring for breakfast but the exact opposite with no aftertaste
Alex (4:53:34 PM): no i understand
Alex (4:53:38 PM): like an apple after toothpaste
John (4:53:46 PM): yes
John (4:53:50 PM): better example

Matthew (5:03:40 PM): i need me versus the country
Matthew (5:03:43 PM): ya know??
Alex (5:05:18 PM): you versus
Alex (5:05:19 PM): the
Alex (5:05:22 PM): ok country for now
Matthew (5:05:41 PM): ____ you
Alex (5:06:09 PM): i was going to say universe
Alex (5:06:15 PM): but god only knows what the universe holds
Matthew (5:06:17 PM): well alright then
Matthew (5:06:19 PM): that is true
Alex (5:06:22 PM): could be like mutli vocal corded aliens or something
Matthew (5:06:24 PM): well god and me know what the universe holds

Alex (10:05:25 PM): maybe i’ll tell you
Alex (10:05:29 PM): because i’m warming up to you here
Matthew (10:05:43 PM): am i gonna be old by the time you will tell me
Matthew (10:05:50 PM): or will i be still eating hard foods?

Katy (10:59:42 PM): *boo hoo boo hoo
what on earth am i to do?
it’s winter and there’s no green grass
i’ve a hole in my pants - look at my ass!

Steve (8:13:44 PM): LIAR!
Steve (8:14:19 PM): silly goose
Matt (8:14:23 PM): I AM NOT A GOOSE

From Alex: Scissors. This is fun as well.

One other thing worth nothing - I like all these pop songs today. It’s very strange. As I said to Matt: “It’s not as much like a ‘like’ as much as the way you start at some gruesome crime-scene in horrified fascination.” Such is my relationship with this music. Nevertheless, I listen to it and I like it. Who knew? The Way You Move - Outkast, Numb - Linkin Park, Hey Ya! - Outkast, With You - Jessica Simpson, Suga Suga - Baby Bash, Perfect - Simple Plan, and Hold On - Good Charlotte. Weird, but enjoyable.

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