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Removing Computer Infections: Look2Me adware & Qoologic trojan | A tumbledry guide to protecting yourself from Internet Explorer

Now Mykala said that I was posting this simply to say “look at me, I fixed her computer lalala I am amazing …” However, I am not posting the following log of an actual conversation of an OnStar … shoot wait no it’s not one of those weird commercials … this is a real world example of the badness and goodness of the internet. You see, Mykala’s computer was rather thoroughly infected by some guitar tabbing sites visited through internet explorer. I record the following technical details to help anyone facing a similar situation. First, if you use Internet Explorer, you have to understand that it is so useful for online banking and Outlook Express (what St. Thomas uses) because it is tightly integrated to a core operating system technology called ActiveX (an oversimplification, true). ActiveX, when exploited, gives hackers the ability to install programs on your computer without your consent or knownledge. Answer number (3) on this website will help you safeguard internet explorer from running thing it should not.


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